The Orient

"Do not fear moving slowly; only fear standing still."
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
Ancient Chinese Proverbs

    As I said before, I am the eternal student. I love learning just for the sake of learning. I went from high school straight  into college, and I imagine I will be in college for the rest of my life. (If only that were possible!) Through it all, my driving force has been a love for all things foreign, but most especially for all things oriental.


    This love of mine manifests itself most in my studies of martial arts, but also in my studies at school and in my reading at home. I have compiled a very short list of what I consider required reading for the oriental aficionado, and if I do not have a copy of the work myself, I have provided a link to a site that does.

    There are many things aside from  literature