Welcome to the Dark Side
Here you will find that things are slightly askew,
not quite what you would expect from your average, everyday-type mortal.
And just when you think you've got me figured out...

        I don't know if I consider myself a "goth" guy. I know I don't like to put into groups. I don't like to be labeled. Perhaps that's why I'm hesitant. I believe in taking each person for what he or she is, first impressions and stereotypes be damned.

        I know that I often find solace in the dark. I know that I don't like groups. I know that sometimes I just have to be alone. If the world were a perfect place, there would be no wars, there would be no guns, and there would be no violence. But the world isn't perfect, and neither am I.

        I seek to live well, in harmony with Nature. I wish to help others see that we cannot go on killing She who gave us Life. Chief Seattle said that "The Earth does not belong to us; we belong to Her." It is up to us to live in peace with our Mother and to teach our children to respect Her.
        Here are some links to help you explore the darker side of my soul:

 Gothic Babe of the Week
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